The Indian Journal of Environmental Sciences (ISSN: 0971-8958) publishes since 1996 reviews, original research papers and short communications after rigorous peer review, based on initial editor screening and anonymized refereeing by at least two expert referees. Various subjects considered for publications in the Journal are;

  • Assessment of risks from water, soil and air pollution; effective and viable remedies
  • Protection of soil and groundwater
  • Ecosystem research
  • Waste disposal strategies
  • Ecological impact of pollutants
  • Clean technologies
  • Technological hazards
  • Evaluation of environmental risk and safety
  • Environment and sustainable development
  • All other applied sciences

The Journal also has a section on Conferences and Symposiums, Environmental news and for report of NGO’s working in the areas of environment.

 The editors encourage submission of reviews (with no page limit) by the subject experts of various disciplines of Environment. These will be published free of cost and the corresponding author will receive soft copy (PDF) of article.

Two issues are published annually. Authors can submit their research articles to Dr. Subhasini Sharma, Executive Editor, C-141 A, Malviya Nagar, Jaipur – 302017, India.

 Guidelines for Authors

Manuscripts are accepted after peer review with the understanding that authors described original research and that all authors approve of the submission and manuscript has not been submitted for publication elsewhere. By submitting the manuscript, the authors agree that, if accepted for publication, copyright of the complete article will be assigned to that Green Earth Foundation, Jaipur. You are advised to submit three name of the referee to review your manuscript.

Submission of Manuscript

First page: should contain concise and descriptive title, author’s full name, professional affiliations, full mailing address including Email and identity of corresponding author preferably with residence address. It should also contain short running title, total number of tables and figures submitted with manuscript.

Second page: An abstract not exceeding 150 words and stating what was done, what was found, and what was concluded.

Pages 3 to end: Introduction, Materials and Methods, Results and Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, References, Figures legends and Figures, Tables. Figures and tables should be referred at an appropriate place in the text.

Figures: Line drawing including graph should be drawn in black Indian ink on white paper. Alternately, sharp photoprint may be provided. The lettering should be large enough to permit photographic reduction. One original and one Xerox copies of the figures/photographs should be submitted with manuscript.

References: cited in the text should be given by the name of the author (s), followed by year of publication in parenthesis e.g. Sharma and Goel (1993) or (Sharma 2001, Kumar et al. 2002, 2004 a, b). References should be latest, complete, arranged alphabetically and include the full title of article. More than one paper from the same author(s) in the same year should be identified by the letters a, b, c, etc., after the year of publication. Personal communication, Abstracts and unpublished data should not appear in the list of references.


Lantzke, I.R., D.S. Mitchell, A.D. Heritage and K.P. Sharma. 1999. A model of factors controlling orthophosphate removal in planted vertical flow wetlands. Ecological Engineering 12 : 93-105.


Goel, P.K. and K.P. Sharma. 1996. Environmental Guidelines and Standards in India. Technoscience Publication, Jaipur. pp. 318.

Edited Books

Gopal, B. (Ed.). 1990. Ecology and Management of Aquatic Vegetation in the Indian Subconitient. Kluver Publishers. pp. 257.

Article in Edited Books

Rogers, K.H., P.F. Breen and A.J. Chick. 1990. Hydraulics, root distribution and phosphorus removal in experimental wetland system. pp. 587-590, In: Copper, P.F. and B.C. Findlater (Eds.), Constructed Wetlands in Water Pollution Control. Pergamon Press, Oxford.

Ph. D. thesis

Sharma, S. 2002. Ecotoxicological Studies of Textile Dye Wastewaters of Sanganer on Freshwater Fishes. Ph. D. thesis, Univ. of Rajasthan, Jaipur.

Proceedings / Symposium

Dwivedi, O.P. 1999. Managing environment risks: the usefulness of MCDM approach. Managing Environment Risks: An Analysis of India’s Regulatory Policy on the Use of Harmful Household Productrs. In: Proceedings of Inception Workshop. HBTI, Kanpur, pp. 12-23.

Internet Source

Eberius, M. 2001. Observation parameters of the Duckweed growth inhibition test. Frond No. Total Frond Area – Dry weight. Source Internet search

Submission on Manuscript

The soft copy (only MS-Word format) of the manuscript should be sent by email to the

Please adhere strictly to the general instructions to the authors and, in particular, the reference style of the Journal.

Proofs /ePrints

After receipt of intimation of acceptance of research article for publication by the editor, author has to pay Rs. 2000/ by DD to be made in favour of “Green Earth Foundation payable at Jaipur” for registration fee. There is no page limit and printing charge for research article. The corresponding author will receive soft copy (PDF) of the article.

Abstracting /Indexing Services

Paryavaran Abstracts, European Virtual Institute for Speciation Analysis (ENVISA) databases, Indian Citation Index, J-Gate.

 All remittance, only DD, should be in the name of GREEN EARTH FOUNDATION payable at JAIPUR.

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